How to Prepare for Tantric Massage with a Beautiful Masseuse

Tantric massage is a deep and private path that only goes beyond the surface justification of temporal pleasures. It means interweaving the virtues of spirituality, sexuality, and overall spiritual attention to induce subconscious vitality in the individual.

The body and the mind are treasured to a higher level than simple relaxation. The combination of a professional masseuse and the gift of a touch provides a unique experience. The experience is beyond relaxation and yet inside ecstasy and self-discovery. In the following guide, you will learn how to prepare yourself perfectly before a tantra massage is performed by a stunningly beautiful lady masseuse. You must know how to enter the world of spiritual exploration and pleasure without thinking about it.

Understanding tantric massage

Shedding misconceptions and knowing what tantra massage means is vital before getting ready. Unlike mainstream massages, which mainly target muscle relaxation, tantric massages instead open and get the energy called Kundalini, which is believed to be at the base of the spine, running along. Tantric massage London applies such slow and sensual gestures that aim to create balance and harmony from the level of chakras – the so-called energy centers distributed throughout the whole body.

Preparation begins with the mind

A tantric session would start even before you would walk into the Massage room. It begins with an awareness—a sense of openness, receptivity, and ability to stay in the moment—speaking of which, I always recommend starting your days with a small guided meditation. Try to leave any expectations and assumptions about sailing behind you and just enjoy a serving of the exploration and the mystery of sailing.

Clear your schedule

It would help if you were sure that your schedule would not be overloaded with additional activities when you get the session after and before. From one experience to another, constant rushing sums up this state of flow in energy getting broken, and the massage’s depth is almost zero. Give the experience as long as you need to be calm and one with your experience.

Create a sacred space

A positive polarization of your message should be created in which the room becomes a sanctuary for relaxation and contemplation. Put dim lights on, soft music, and fragrant candles to create a tranquil atmosphere. Get all the unnatural elements out of your way and make the space lovely with soothing stuff like fresh flowers or crystals. The atmosphere is an essential factor that facilitates the guests to forget about the outside world and focus on the event.

Set intentions

At the session’s outset, pause to delineate your set objectives of the massage. On this trip, what exactly do I intend to get? Whether it is a deeply secure, liberating, lifting, or even an awakening spiritual experience, these can be the impacts of having a genuine intention before the new-age therapy session.

Physical preparation

Physical preparation is no less necessary for a massage than mental preparation. Thus, taking care of your physical needs is also essential. Go to a gentle shower that will wash away dirt and fatigue and relax your muscles. Two, keep your body well hydrated through plenty of water intake so that it is nourished and receptive to the right touch.

Dress comfortably

Pick garments that make you confident and comfortable enough not to move around during the massage. On occasions of hot and heavy sex, it’s advisable to patronize fabric clothes that are loose enough and can be removed with ease. The fabric should also be soft and can breathe. Consider that this getting session usually comprises skin-on-skin contact, so the less garment you wear, the better for the tantra flow.

Communication is key

Good communication setting and attentiveness on the part of the masseuse are essential for your massage to be prosperous and free of health hazards. Talk about any issues or inclinations you possibly have regarding the massage, and point out sensitive areas and the ideal pressure level to massage. Creating a framework of boundaries and consent allows each of you to be stress-free and, at the moment, venture into the true bliss of the massage.

Release expectations

Instead of worrying about the results or letting the former requirements shape the procedure, just go with the flow while entering the therapy room. Tantric massage encourages interaction with the natural flow of life as we come to terms with ourselves and individually allow our actual appearance within us. Have confidence in your potential and get with what is taking place right now so that you will be able to succumb to whatever sensations you are experiencing.