In which cities do the best prostitutes in Mexico live?

With the recent legalization of prostitution, Mexico is the most developed in the intimate sector It became one of the countries. Millions of tourists flock here every year to enjoy new aspects and pleasures of commercial love. In 18 of Mexico’s 22 states, Mazatlan escorts and prostitution is a legal and popular trade open to anyone who has reached the age of majority. Pimping and extortion on the street and serving customers in public places are prohibited, but serving customers at home or in a salon without the permission of the owner is a crime punishable according to the law.

Almost every major city in Mexico has “free zones” where girls work legally and take care of men in brothels, strip clubs, small motels, rented apartments, or their own apartments. Famous tourist attractions, popular nightclubs, and discos always have a few experts. They charge higher prices and, with the approval of local management, pay them a portion of the placement proceeds. However, there are some cities in Mexico where escorts of Mexico are even more desirable, desirable, and in demand than anywhere else. The local beauty here is known even among foreigners.

Cities with Quality Prostitutes

Knowledgeable people if the memories of a night’s adventure excite you and you are planning to have fun with the best Mexican professionals to keep your blood flowing long afterward We recommend collecting moths in the following cities. :

Mexico City

Each country’s capital city is home to a large concentration of legitimate and shadow businesses, including the entertainment and night-adventure industries. From this point of view, Mexico City is no exception. The best Mexican prostitutes come to Mexico City to increase their income or to advance to escort, the highest category of intimate service providers grazed by all wealthy clients. The highest concentration of sex professionals is in the Zona Rosa neighborhood, near Avenida Paseo de la Reforma. There are a lot of girls working in different price ranges and young, good-looking guys. You can also find prostitutes in La Merced and Buena Vista, but the girls here are cheaper and the list of intimate favors is quite limited.


This city attracts tourists due to its geographical advantage. Mazatlan is located on the Pacific coast opposite California, so the trip by boat or ferry takes only a few hours. In addition to the huge port, the city has several large resort complexes with all kinds of facilities to entertain vacationers, including those in the sex trade. You can also meet young and pretty girls in the port area, but entertainment prices here start from $15-20 per hour for her. Each year in Mazatlán, both tourists and puta take part in the local carnival, which is considered the largest and oldest on the continent.


Mexico’s second most popular city is known for its white sandy beaches, warm Caribbean waters, and skilled professional prostitutes. During the summer holidays, beautiful girls from all over the coast flock here to please tourists. Tourists charge quite affordable rates (from $25 per hour). Most of the girls work in El Centro, the city’s central district where all kinds of businesses are concentrated. You can easily find prostitutes even in the city center, but note that here representatives of the ancient trade are very cheap and you can hardly expect good sexual skills from them. please. Night butterflies also offer intimate favors at the strip clubs “La Premiere” and “Paroxism.” For an additional fee, you can invite one of your dancer girlfriends on an intimate date. However, the prices are a little higher here as the girls have to share their referral fee income with the house manager.


In northwestern Mexico, Tijuana, near the California border, is considered the most influential city. All types of business, including intimate industry, are actively developing here. It attracts regular tourists from all over the world as well as young Americans looking for cheap entertainment. Here you can easily find street prostitutes, intimate salons, large brothels and even massage parlors offering additional erotic services. Zona Norte, the red-light district of the Netherlands, is home to many attractive and talented girls. Prostitutes work here legally and publicly, and their intimate salons offer a variety of perks not always found even in developed countries.


This popular coastal resort is well-known and loved by travelers for its mild climate, clean beaches, heavy traffic, and perfect sexual expertise that will provide you with an unforgettable adventure. Although the intimate business in this city is not as diverse as in Cancun, you can order excellent escort services here at affordable prices. Local prostitutes can be found near almost all major tourist attractions and prominent hotels, and even in nightclubs and discos. However, experienced tourists advise not to date too many street girls in Acapulco. Because here they are very cheap and can turn out to be scammers or transmit sexually transmitted diseases to customers.

In order to eliminate all possible unpleasant consequences after contact with prostitutes, knowledgeable people are advised to look for sex specialists through specialized Internet portals that have categories suitable for all types of customers.